Vans & Vestal Watches presents:
Mondo Generator
Showtime: 9:00 PM (Doors: 8:00 PM)
Ticket price: $30
Tickets available on-line at:,
All Ages 6 and Over
"WHAT IS ROCK?!" ... only the first verse from the blood-spattered rock-operatic epic which climaxes "RETOX," the latest and career-best record from Turbonegro, the band who (rather humbly) style themselves as the "Official Number 4 Formula Band In The Universe" - the top three are, they state, AC/DC, the Ramones and Slayer.
From Norway, these 6 deviants have wrought more rockin' havoc around the world than any other band in the last ten years. Their blue-denim sailor-boy gear and "faux-mo-erotic" lyrics have caused astonishment and confusion everywhere. Their remorseless collaging of influences from across the spectrum of classic rock, punk and metal - what they call their musical "dream cocktail" - serially blows the minds of their disciples, leaving others wondering if it's really okay to let their jams be kicked out, too. Must the Great forever be doomed to be misunderstood by the masses?
"RETOX," finally, blows away such nonsensical logic. It's hard, heavy, hilarious, terrifying, offensive, dumb-ass, thought-provoking and plain genocidal all at once. It IS rock. Total rock. Total Turbo. A record which, to borrow a lyric from its riotous lead-off single, "Do You Do You Dig Destruction," will hit you like "brass-knuckles and a 2-by-4". ***PLEASE NOTE THERE IS A 4 TICKET LIMIT PER PERSON.***
Official Website:
Added by sepsis13 on August 2, 2007