40 Triangle Center
Yorktown Heights, New York 10598

This toll-free teleconference for women with ovarian cancer will be led by Dr. Afshin Bahador, Gynecological Oncologist at South Coast Gynecologic Oncology in La Jolla California. Topics will include issues pertaining to living with ovarian cancer such as: treatment options following the conclusion of first line therapy to reduce the risk of recurrence, the role of clinical trials, and drugs being evaluated in clinical trial settings along with preliminary results. Genetics and heredity pertaining to ovarian cancer, such as risk for other cancers and risk to family members, will also be discussed. A question and answer period will follow facilitated by a Support Connection Peer Counselor.
Dr. Bahador is a board certified Obstetrician and Gynecologist with subspecialty board certification in Gynecologic Oncology. His is considered an expert in robot-assisted surgeries for a wide range of gynecologic cancers, and is a clinical instructor at Balboa Naval Medical Center and University of Southern California, Keck School of Medicine.
This program is open to women living with ovarian cancer. To learn more or to pre-register call Support Connection at 914-962-6402 or 800-532-4290. Participation is free but pre-registration is required. This program was made possible by a contribution from Jack and Ilene Cohen in memory of Helen Steckler

Added by barbaracervoni on August 5, 2011

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