20 Talbot Ave
Somerville, Massachusetts 02144

The Boston Village Gamelan and Rinengga Sih Tentrem, the Tufts University Gamelan Ensemble, invite you to a concert of traditional Javanese music, directed by Barry Drummond. The performance will feature guest artists I.M. Harjito and Sumarsam, renowned Javanese musicians and scholars currently on the faculty of Wesleyan University. This event is the culminating performance of the annual conference of the Northeast Chapter of the Society for Ethnomusicology, which promotes the research, study, and performance of music in all historical periods and cultural contexts.
Saturday, April 14th, 8:00 pm, in Distler Performance Hall, Tufts University, Somerville/Medford Campus. Admission is free.

Added by Granoff Music Center on April 5, 2012