1262 Westwood Blvd
Los Angeles, California 90024

(1972, MGM/UA, 89 min.)

Horror legend Vincent Price stars as the diabolical Doctor in the second of the two wonderful, macabre Phibes films, opposite the great Robert Quarry (COUNT YORGA) and the equally legendary Peter Cushing. Here, Phibes returns from suspended animation to find his treasured papyrus scrolls missing – and so he embarks on a gleefully murderous spree as he races to find the eternal River of Life in Egypt. Stylishly directed by the under-rated Robert Fuest (AND SOON THE DARKNESS).

Introduction to the film by Dr. Phibes creator & screenwriter William Goldstein, accompanied by “Sophie” the newest Clockwork Wizard.

(For more info: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Dr-Phibes-In-The-Beginning/140490586020354.)

Preceded by the U.S. Premiere of:

(2010, Metaluna Productions, 52 min.)

To coincide with Bastille Day – July 14th, we’re thrilled to premiere French director Pauline Pallier’s wonderful new documentary, a wryly comic and strangely heartfelt portrait of a marvelous, Ed Wood-like character: a small-town French physician (and independent filmmaker) named Antoine Pellissier aka “Dr. Gore.”

When he’s not treating patients, Pellissier indulges in his true passion, making unbelievably primitive, blood-soaked vampire/zombie/occult flicks such as 1998’s MALEFICIA, which make Herschell Gordon Lewis look like Orson Welles. Struggling for seven years to finish the next part of his trilogy, the aptly titled HORRIFICIA, the hilariously deadpan Pellissier tries to scrounge together money, enlists the acting help of patients who wander into his office with medical complaints, and rages – like all filmmakers everywhere – against indifference and the dying of the light. What emerges is a moving portrait of a man pursuing his cinematic dream at all costs – even if it’s a demented, gore-drenched dream at that.

A treat for indie horror fans everywhere. (In French with English subtitles.)

Added by Bigfoot Crest on July 11, 2011

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