This special LoveWeek party, brought to you by the Triple Power and FiX crews, will Shine the love light on your soul. We know that there are some big ass parties that week that will rock it, but if you crave your underground in an friendly DJ bar with a wicked sound system, sweet freaks, and a friendly vibe, this is gonna satisfy.
Come early!
--> FREE before 10:30 <--
--> Drink Special 9-11pm <--
Love to the DJs:
# SHANTI :: Triple Power
# Giamma :: Triple Power ::
# RON/E :: FiX
Love to the drums ... SooozhyQ on the doumbec
Performances, visuals, and surprises - all for the L-to-the-O-to-the-V-to-the-E
Voted the best new club by the readers of the SF Weekly
@ 1337 mission between 9th & 10th
SOMA, sf
--> FREE before 10:30 <--
$5 cover at the door (after 10:30)
--> Drink Special 9-11pm <--
"Flip for it Friday" you flip a coin with the bartender, if you win the drink is on us!
Official Website:
Added by Zemistor on September 26, 2007