345 Somerville Ave.
Somerville, Massachusetts 02143

the critique of pure reason presents:

friday, 9 june 2006

pa's lounge

$8 (21+), $11 (18-20)
doors @ 8:30ish

Triple Burner (triple burner = bruce cawdron from godspeed you! black emperor + harris newman)

Geoff Mullen

Area C

Order=1st, Area C; 2nd, Geoff; 3rd, Triple Burner

triple burner
Triple Burner's roots trace to Harris Newman's debut solo album, 2003's Non-Sequiturs [Strange Attractors Audio House]. Bruce Cawdron (godspeed you! black emperor) appeared on several tracks, adding a palette of percussive textures to compliment Newman's meditative acoustic guitar. From these more casual arrangements a firm bond between Harris and Bruce grew which cemented their musical visions with this their most realised project to date, Triple Burner.

geoff mullen
Geoff Mullen (Providence, RI) sculpts shape-shifting guitar drones that range from harsh to delicately sublime bubbly noise. His debut record, "thrtysxtrllnmnfstns" contains a series of delicate thunderstorms scored for string instruments, bias-altered amplification and analog circuitry that at once recall both the slow-arc americana of the vanguard and takoma labels and the contemporary guitar-based minimalism and drone-work of fine folks such as rafael toral and fennesz. at times consisting of a lonesome, banshee-wail of carefully-plotted electric guitar feedback with what sound like vinyl run-out grooves; others a poly-rhythmic tapestry of improvised, repetitive acoustic lines and circuit-bent electronic skree, "thrtysxtrllnmnfstns" will find favor amongst advocates of drone-rock, free-folk, etc...

area c
AREA C was formed in 2003 by Erik Carlson in order to turn sounds created by guitar, organ, percussion, field recordings and other analog sources into manipulated but recognizably organic soundscapes. Largely based around improvisation and the recording medium as compositional tools, AREA C explores both extremes--severe sonic manipulation within computer and/or tape deck, and the live creation of both subtle and overloaded rooms of sound in live show settings. Area C is: Erik Carlson [guitar, farfisa, noises, field recordings, etc.] in crucial collaboration with Joel Thibodeau [of Death Vessel, adding guitar, vocals, fiddle, percussion] and Jeff Knoch [of Urdog on farfisa and an array of pedals]. Frank Mullin adds drums on those special occasions.

Added by thecpr on April 2, 2006