103 North Road
Brighton, England BN1 1YW

Stephanie King's birthday is on the 14th July, Relly Annett-Baker's birthday is on the 19th July and Jessica Spengler's is the 23rd July.

So, like some sort of warped, Mojito-driven crossover episode of the Powerpuff Girls, Sex and the City and tikibar.tv, comes:

The Triple-Birthday-Cocktail-Palooza at Vino Veritas, Brighton.

We've hired the top floor bar from 8 until it shuts, there will be cocktails created and named by us and the sort of super-dooper cake only true cupcake addicts can create.

There will be dresses, there will be heels and best of all there will be you, 'cos we'd love to celebrate with you!
Dress code: Smartly dressed girls 'n' boys get cookies and our eternal adoration.

So, come - I'm sure we can arrange to put some out-of-towners up and spend Sunday on the beach nursing hangovers.

Added by RellyAB on June 24, 2008