Noble Street and Potter Street
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15232

Employees, familes and friends -- as many as 20 to 30 -- of the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review are planning a Redd Up to remove litter on the hillside under the Aiken Avenue Bridge in Shadyside. It is their first project.

Access to this area is from South Graham Street off Centre Avenue. The area is near the corner of Noble and Potter Streets along the Busway.

Organized as Trib Against Litter, the volunteers are anxious to become involved in the continuing battle to control litter on our streets, sidewalks, gutters and hillsides.

Volunteers of Citizens Against Litter are, of course, welcome to pitch in. Volunteers know the drill: bring gloves, a picker upper if you have one, and a supply of plastic bags.

Trib Against Litter leader Jim Robertson, a District Sales Manager, has made arrangments to supply his volunteers with supplies. He is also contacting Public Works for assistance.

"This hillside has been a litter eyesore for a long time," said Boris Weinstein of Citizens Against Litter. "For one thing the hillside is a 'no-man's land' so no one takes responsibility for it. For another thing, it's a hillside and hard to get to and redd up. The Trib crew has taken on a challenge and we hope its efforts will be successful."

The Trib, publishers of the morning Pittsburgh Tribune-Review and afternoon PM Trib, want to be part of the litter solutio. in our community. We thank them in advance for their attitude and concerns the appearance of our neighborhood.

Added by citizensagainstlitter on July 7, 2007