Long awaited, Tremont Wifi Neighborhood is having its first Techno-Geek meeting with a Hack nite at Jefferson Branch Cleveland Public Library,
Thursday August 24 from 6-8pm.
The goal of these regular monthly meetings is get our neighborhood technos to meet, share, and have some fun only as creative 21st century denizens can. These kinds of gatherings have been great successes in other community wireless network efforts across the country. See seattlewireless, cuwireless (Urbana), ile sans fil (Montreal), and others.
This first meeting we will introduce ourselves, discuss housekeeping/organizational topics (briefly), and see how quickly a group of computer/network/SW/HW literati can solve a problem. Should be a good time and we can always adjourn to a wateringhole afterwards.
Bring your laptops and if you have a linux box bring that too. Think "burning a soldered-in CF memory on a linux embedded mother board."
Let Steve Goldberg (see link) know if you plan on coming and tell your friends!
Official Website: http://www.twifineighbor.net/
Added by jeffschuler on August 17, 2006