4316 S Genesee St
Seattle, Washington

Who: All Women Age 14+ Looking for a Life-Changing Experience

What: The Trek Women Triathlon Series is running in 8 cities in 2010 including Seattle, WA. The Series, aimed at breaking down barriers for women athletes, joins the Danskin Triathlon Series, another Xxtra Mile property, as the only major women’s triathlon events created by women, run by women, exclusively for women.

How: Visit http://www.trekwomenstriathlonseries.com, select the Seattle, WA race, and one of our 7 official race categories including Age Group, Mixed Age Group, Athena, Women in Uniform, Physically Challenged, Elite and Relay Team.

When: July 13, 2010/ Start Time: 8 AM

Where: Genesse Park
Seattle, WA
Cost: The entrance fee for the Trek Women Triathlon Series is as follows:
Individual $85 (plus USAT $10 membership fee)
Relay Team $160 (plus USAT $10 membership fee per team member)

Additional: Join Hall of Fame triathlete Sally Edwards, Spokeswoman/Chief Inspiration Officer for the Trek Women Triathlon Series in this life-changing triathlon where every participant is a winner!
The Xxtra Mile, owner of the Trek Women Triathlon Series, is proud to continue its partnerships with both The Breast Cancer Research Foundation (BCRF) and The National Association of Team Survivor. The Breast Cancer Research Foundation is an independent 501 (c) (3) not-for-profit organization whose mission is to achieve prevention and a cure for breast cancer in our lifetime. Team Survivor, a non-profit 501(c)3 organization for women who have a present or past diagnosis of cancer, provides women with free group exercise, health education classes and support programs.

For more information about the Trek Women Triathlon Series, please visit http://www.trekwomenstriathlonseries.com or contact:

SK Communications LLC at 973.267.5605:
Erin McKigney
[email protected]

Added by emckigney on April 8, 2010

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