501 N Oregon St
El Paso, Texas 79901

In association with the El Paso Community College Fashion Technology Department, the El Paso Public Library will host a fashion show of garments composed from recycled materials. The show is nicknamed “Trashion” instead of fashion because the articles are made from discarded materials such as post-consumer, post-industrial, or post-agricultural product. Newspaper, plastic bags, soda cans, and even plastic bottle tops are examples of common objects used to create these original and innovative designs that were entered in Recycle2Go, a city-wide trash fashion competition run by the Fashion Technology students at the El Paso Community College.
The “Trashion” Show will be held on Saturday, June 12th at 3:00 p. m. at the Main Library located at 501 N. Oregon. Admission is free and open to everyone. The “trashion” creations are on display at the Main Library through Friday, June 11th during normal business hours.
For more information on the show, call 543-5468 or visit www.elpasolibrary.org. For more information on the EPCC Fashion Technology Program, call 831-5057.

Added by jimheiney on May 27, 2010

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