Spring brings a new wave of opportunities to help shape the San Francisco Bay Area Metropolitan Transportation Commission (MTC)’s Transportation 2035 Plan, a work in progress that looks 25 years down the road. With a title of "Change in Motion," the effort signals MTC’s commitment to promoting sustainability and mobility in the face of continued growth and global warming impacts.
Following extensive outreach in the fall and the submission of hundreds of possible transportation projects, we are now seeking input on the next phase of the plan’s development: the trade-offs among various options for investing the region’s limited transportation resources. Attend one of the workshops above, and join the discussion.
Please RSVP to [email protected] or 510.817.5981 (or TTY/TDD 510.817.5769). Please leave your name, address, phone number and e-mail, and let us know which workshop you plan to attend.
Sign Language Interpreter or Reader
A sign language interpreter or reader will be provided if requested at least three business days in advance (five or more days notice is preferred). Printed materials are available in alternative formats upon request.
Translation Services
Every effort will be made to provide interpreters for non-English speakers if requested at least five business days in advance. Please call MTC at 510.817.5757 (or TTY/TDD 510.817.5769) for more information.
Refreshments will be provided.
Part of a series of workshops in all Bay Area counties.
Official Website: http://www.mtc.ca.gov/planning/2035_plan/workshops.htm
Added by raines on May 8, 2008