A Meet the Author Event
Who: Daoud Hari, Author and Translator
Event: After being driven from his home in the Darfur region of Sudan, Daoud Harim used his high school English and offered himself as a guide and translator, assisting journalist and aid groups. In his new book, The Translator, A Tribesman’s Memoir of Darfur, Hari tells the story of his journeys, risking his life to ensure the story of his people is told. Hari has served as a translator for The New York Times, NBC, and the BBC, as well as the United Nations.
When: Wednesday, April 16; Registration: 5:30pm; Program: 6pm
Where: World Affairs Council, 2nd Floor Auditorium, 312 Sutter St. San Francisco
Admission Costs: Council Members: FREE; Students: $5; Nonmembers: $15
Info: 415.293.4600; [email protected]
Official Website: http://www.itsyourworld.org/
Added by wacsf on March 7, 2008