Hurst Street,
Birmingham, England B5 4TB

The national transition support team, working in partnership with National Strategies and the Care Services Improvement Partnership, would like to invite you to a pan-regional transition seminar.The aim of the seminar will be to learn more about the Transition Support Programme and the national transition support team, hear from regional support agencies about support available to local areas, and work together to map and plan regional and local activity.
Draft ProgrammeTuesday 7 April2009

10.00 amRegistration
10.30amWelcome and introduction
10.45amNational overview and update from: national transition support team, National Strategies, Care Services Improvement Partnership and other regional support agencies
11.15am Regional and local activity and supportNational Strategies and Care Services Improvement Partnership
11.45 amCoffee
12.00 pm Good practice showcase from four local areas across the regions
1.00 pm Lunch
1.45pm Workshops a choice of six workshops examining issues such as:
Developing a transition protocol and pathway
Participation of disabled young people at all levels
Engaging with the personalisation agenda
Joint working and commissioning across agencies
2.45pm Coffee
3.00 pm Feedback from workshops
Regional planner mapping out support available regionally and locally and identify further support needed for each area and agree next steps. Year 2 Programme of work

Organized by National Children's Bureau

Ticket Info:  Free event, Free

Official Website:

Added by eventbrite-events on March 18, 2009

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