437 Wilson Street East
Ancaster, Ontario L9G 3K4

Celebrate the "Transit of Venus" When Venus passes directly between earth and the sun, we see the distant planet as a small dot gliding slowly across the face of the sun. As the Planet Venus (earth's sister planet) is rich in meaning in cultures all over the world, we see this not only as an astronomical event, but also as one of symbolic/spiritual significance. A motion of festivities and celebrations will take pace all over the world. Come and join Crystal Journey as we take a musical odyssey and view the transit from the beautiful grounds of Mount Mary. As this concert will be held outdoors, please bring a blanket to lie on or lawn chair. If there is rain we will move into the auditorium. Available at http://crystaljourney.ca/performances.html and at the gate.

What You Can Expect
The shows will take place in two 40 to 50 minute sets. David's usual set up includes 15-20 quartz crystal bowls, 8-10 Paiste Planet gongs, a vibraphone and a Santoor. Nothing is amplified, pre-recorded or rehearsed. Each set and performance is sonically pure and unique (click to see some video clips). David records the shows on his high quality portable recorder and can make that recording available to you. You can purchase CDs and other merchandise at the shows with cash or cheque or online with a credit card.

We invite you to take a seat or lay down as close to the instruments as possible to get the greatest effect. Remember to bring a yoga matt, blanket and/or pillow as most venues will have floor space to lay down. Chairs for regular seating are also available. Where possible we encourage you to share rides and car pool. It not only saves gas but helps to reduce our carbon foot print on the earth and traffic.

Added by CrystalJourney on May 16, 2012

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