Hello Southland Transit Supporters:
An Open Invitation from The Transit Coalition to join us...for our January 2007 Meeting.
At this gathering, we will discuss current MTA, Metrolink and Amtrak developments as of the new year, including the latest actions by the Mayor, the meaning on the passage of the state bonds, the MTA Long Range Plan update, the latest rail extensions and Metro post Consent Decree.
The Gold Line to East Los Angeles continues to progress with the completion of the tunnels and the Expo Joint Powers Authority is into construction with Scoping Meetings for Phase 2 to be held in either February or March.
Join us Tuesday, January 23, 2006 at Philippe the Original for our meeting and Brain Storming Session @ 6:44 p.m. to 8:45 p.m. (or longer!)
Or go to our maps page:
Important step by step directions:
After you get your food, we will take over some tables in the second floor meeting room, BUT first....we gather at the table near the "front door" cash register and then decide to go upstairs only when we get enough folks.
Check near the cash register to see if we are
there or if not, enter the upstairs on the Alameda St. side of the restaurant, as the west side has a sign that says the upstairs is closed.
Beware of the trick by the restaurant. After we go up, they put the closed sign back up. We will be up there, but call 818-367-1661, if you can't figure out where we are! Join us, if you can.
Pass the word. If you or anyone is interested, get them there Tuesday the 23rd.
Also, note: RSVP. If we know you are coming, we will look for you, so you don't stay lost from us.
Note: If you want to get the meeting e-mail directly, write [email protected] and you can get on the list for future events.
To Make Reservations, write:
[email protected]
Subject: Dinner Reservation
Just leave your first/last name, e-mail and phone number.
Upcoming Meetings:
Southern CA Transit Advocates: Sat., January 13, & February 10, 2007
SCAG Magnetic Levitation Mtg: Thurs., February 8, 2007
Next Transit Coalition Meeting: Tuesday, February 27, 2007
Be sure to bring business cards for networking.
Here is what we look like (scroll way down):
Please pass this e-mail along to anyone who might be interested in joining us. Call if you have any questions. Thanks, Bart Reed
About The Transit Coalition:
The Transit Coalition is a 501[c](3) non-profit whose goal is to increase Transit Options and Mobility in Southern California by mobilizing citizens to press for sensible public policy to grow our bus and rail network.
Official Website: http://boards.eesite.com/board.cgi?boardset=ExpoLine&boardid=Lobby&thread=21&spec=6211056
Added by kiracle on January 9, 2007