6401 NE 10th Avenue
Portland, Oregon 97211

Left to its own devices the Inner Critic has the potential to destroy relationships, turn our naturally bright mind toward depression, sap our physical energy, and undermine our spiritual practice.

Yet the Inner Critic is not the enemy. It contains the wisdom of discernment. When it is allowed to grow unchecked it gets out of balance with the rest of the system. Rather than try to destroy or silence this powerful voice, our work is to become strong and clear enough to stand up to it, as we would with an angry child.

During this workshop we will use Buddhist and psychological teachings to see this voice more clearly. There will be guided meditations, group discussions and interactive exercises. We will learn tools to help transform our relationship to the Inner Critic, bringing it back into balance without losing its discriminating wisdom.

Led by Dharma Holder Michael Daitetsu Hull and Laura Jomon Martin.

Official Website: https://www.zendust.org/displayevent/53588

Added by howzentemple on March 13, 2013