528 NE E Street
Grants Pass, Oregon 97526

Wed. May 2nd ~ 2 - 4 pm. ~ Judy White, certified Transcendental Meditation teacher, offers a free presentation on the TM (Transcendental MeditationĀ®) technique at 3PM Wednesday, April 18, in the Aquarius Books Meeting Room. Judy is with the TM Program for Women and is Director of the Transcendental Meditation Program for S. Oregon. She has been practicing the Transcendental Meditation technique since 1973, was made a TM teacher in 1975, and became a certified TM teacher in 2011. Everyone is invited to come hear about the benefits that are our birthright for full mental potential, good health, harmonious social behavior, and world peaceā€”TM is unique in the benefits people gain and unique in being easy to learn and effortless to practice. Judy will also touch on the over 300 peer reviewed scientific studies showing relief from stress, improved health, increased intelligence, greater self-actualization, and decreased crime rate as a result of people practicing the TM technique. Judy says, "Hearing about the Transcendental Meditation program gave me great relief and a feeling of rightness about the way life can be. Right after I learned TM colors looked brighter and clearer, and within 3 days the stiffness I'd had in my neck for months was gone. After the course I enjoyed other people more and felt a lot of happiness."Judy will be teaching a TM course in Grants Pass on April 21. For more information call (541) 479-0446 or go to tm.org/southern-oregon

Added by aquariusbooksandgifts on April 25, 2012