Sand Cove Rd.
Saint John, New Brunswick

Total Lunar Eclipse

When: March 3rd at 6:30pm
Where: Viewing at west end of Saint’s Rest Beach by the Gate
Description: At approximately 6:45pm the moon will pass through the Earth’s shadow and be totally eclipsed for about a little over and hour. Local members of the Royal Astronomical Society will be on hand with 3 or 4 large scopes and other gear to view this event. While the moon is in totality, astronomers will be observing the sky, testing to see how many more celestial objects can be viewed with the increased darkness. Venus and Saturn will be in view as well as deep sky objects such as star clusters, galaxies and nebulae.

PLEASE NOTE: Sky conditions dictate whether this event is to be held. If you are unsure about a weather cancellation, call the park at 653-7367.

Added by zanthin5 on March 2, 2007

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