25 Fairway Heights Drive
Thornhill, Ontario L3T 3X1

Build the Retirement YOU Want!!! You are invited to a no-cost financial education seminar. With specific focus on: guaranteed strategies for planning your dream retirement;implementing the 5 fundamental tax minimization strategies;strategies for avoiding the retirement "stealth taxes";constructing the tax efficient retirement portfolio.

Speaker: Daniel Collison,CFP, TEP
Where: Bayview Golf and Country Club
25 Fairway Heights Drive,
Thornhill,ON L3T 3X1
Time :7:30 pm to 9:00 pm

This is a no-cost seminar, however, seating is limited,please call seminar hotline 416-292-7518 ext 619,or write to [email protected]

Official Website: http://www.investorsgroup.com/consult/maryann.lara/english/default.htm

Added by laramaryann on April 7, 2008

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