76 Pearl Street
Buffalo, New York 14202

The Theatrical performance of Tony n' Tina's Wedding satires an Italian-American wedding in which the audience participates in all aspects of this fictitious event.
You will toast the Bride and Groom with Champagne, enjoy an Italian Buffet Dinner, a piece of Wedding Cake, participate in the Bouquet and Garter toss and dance to the music of Donny Dulce and Fusion. There are many other surprises in store for you throughout this raucous evening including: The Sacred Dance Of the Waiters, An impromptu performance by Tony's Father's (Stripper) Girlfriend, A drunken Priest, Bickering
Family members, and you never can tell when the
Pregnant Bridesmaid will go into labor!

The Pearl Street Grill
January 24 2009 - 7:15pm
for tickets call

Official Website: http://www.pearlstreetgrill.com

Added by Actors Anonymous on January 20, 2009

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