270 Route 37 West
Toms River, New Jersey

We hope you can join us at Tiffany’s as we gather for yet another Happy Hour. This event features fabulous drink specials, friendly young professionals, and the opportunity to get revved up for the weekend. Do not let this Happy Hour get away…

Who should attend:
Single and married members who are 21-39 years old.

What to expect:
Our Happy Hours are very casual. There are no sign-in tables, no name tags, and no ice breakers. Expect people to walk up to you to introduce themselves and feel free to walk up to others who you do not know. Newbies are at EVERY NJYP event so if this is your first, you won’t be alone.

Ask the bartender once you arrive.

Dress Code:
No sneakers, shorts, or athletic gear.

Official Website: http://njyp.org

Added by rulaura on August 24, 2006

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