2 West Emerson
Paragould, Arkansas 72450

The Greene County Rescue Squad will be cooking Boston Butts as a means to purchase some new equipment. They will be cooking them near the Theater on July 11th. You need to place your order now. The supply of meat is going fast. To place an order call 870-239-5114. Hurry while supply lasts. They are only $20.00. --------------The benefit singing will start that evening at 6:00 PM---The Main Attraction will be The Blackwood Quartet but we will also have the Gloryland Quartet---Martha's Son---Golden Road Quartet---and the Tommy Mac Singers. What a line up. You will need to get there early to get a good seat. Ron Blackwood (RW Blackwood's Son) and the group have been singing in Theaters at Pigeon Forge and Branson for the past 19 years. They are now on the road and we have the opportunity to experience this great show. Come one Come all. This is also Tommy Mac's birthday. We are planning a big bash. We want you to be a part of it. Turner Dairy will have free ice cream near the theater. FREE Thank you Turner Dairy. We appreciate you. Do not miss this great event.

Added by G/G ELECTRIC-GERALD on June 16, 2009