Shinjuku ward yoyogi
Tokyo, Tokyo Prefecture

Tokyo Gay and Lesbian Parade 2006 is a big summer event with a parade on major streets of Tokyo and symposiums on related issues.
Over 3,000 participants have come together for the parade on the streets of Shibuya and Harajuku with floats of various themes to strongly demonstrate the need to raise awareness of sexual minorities. Most participants, dressed in casual clothes, expressing "sexual minorities in everyday life," some participants dressed in flamboyant and spontaneous costumes to demonstrate the diversity of the community and others hold up placards with their own messages to clearly assert their rights. This unique intermixture is one of the notable attractions of the Tokyo Lesbian and Gay Parade. This parade is not only a "festival" of sexual minorities, but also a "new political performance" giving the "currency of sexual minorities" an opportunity to be expressed.

Keyword: Gay Pride

Official Website:

Added by superlove on June 13, 2006