Minato-ku Nishi-Azabu 3-1-25
Tokyo, Tokyo Prefecture 1060031

THE SUSTAINABLE WEB = ウェブとエコ (10 minutes each)

Enviromental issues are pressing hard on our small planet. Can the web help us out? Come along and check out some of the ideas that people are executing online, to "Green Up" our offline life.

1) Green IT - Myth, Reality and Dreams = グリーンIT 神話, 現実, 夢
Flavio Souza from GreenITers
Flavio Souza introduces GreenITers.com as an information gateway for those looking for contribute to a greener world via the technology innovations.

2) Sustainability 2.0
サステナビリティ 2.0
Chad Stewart from Interkannections-
チャッド・スチュワート - Interkannections
Through examining some current applications of Web 2.0 technologies to sustainability-related initiatives Chad will show some of the key challenges and opportunities facing sustainability and Web 2.0.
サステナビリティ関連の「Web 2.0」を活用の活動に通して、どのチャレンジや可能性があるのかを明記する。サステナビリティも「Web 2.0」も似ているようなチャレンジと機会があるので、それに関しても述べようと思っています。

3) mokugift.jp
Mokugift Japan: Participating in the fight against global warming
モクギフト・ジャパン: 簡単な地球温暖化防止対策
Kevin J. Smith, Mokugift Co., Ltd
ケビン・スミス、 株式会社MOKUGIFT
We can fight global warming, but we need to act now.
Kevin will introduce the Mokugift (www.mokugift.jp) tree gifting service, including its vision, partners, B2C, B2B and B2C2B usability options.

4) Takutomo.com - http://takutomo.com
タクトモ.com - http://takutomo.com
Skymint Co,. Ltd., CEO Kaoru Iwasaki
㈱スカイミント 代表取締役 岩崎かおる
"Takutomo.com" is a mobile taxi sharing site, to help you get home after the last train."Takutomo.com" has two benefits.
1. You can get the cheapest taxi.
2. You can share the taxi fare with other Takutomo.com users, saving money and the environment!

5) OpenTrace - Web service for CO2 reduction
オープントレース - CO2削減のウェブサービス
Hiroshi Ikeda - 池田 宏
Hirofumi Manganzi - 万願寺 裕史
What differences can the new web-service, OpenTrace, make to the society’s CO2 reduction efforts? What hurdles is it now tackling to make its unique benefits actually take place? What can you do with us? OpenTrace members will answer your questions, and update you on what has been happening since we were finalists at TechCrunch50.

6) Introduction to eco.kakaku.com
価格.com エコのご紹介
Mikihiro Yasuda: http://www.linkedin.com/pub/2/385/a18
Environmental Design is becoming one of the factors when people choose consumer electronic products. Recently Kakaku.com launched eco.kakaku.com that helps people to make eco-friendly shopping.
環境性能は、消費者が電化製品を選択する上での検討項目の1つになりつつあります。先頃、価格.comは、環境にやさしいショッピングのお手伝いをすべく「価格.com エコ」を解説しました。

LIGHTNING TALKS (5 mins each)
1) Smart.fm
What is going on at Smart.fm
Kirk and Dominik

2) Tokyo BarCamp:
Matthew Mods talks about plans for BarCamp in Tokyo in May this year.

3) The Plant
Anatole Varin will introduce PiqShare - a Private photo sharing app

4) Poken (www.poken.jp)
Poken mania unveiled!

Added by papadimitriou on April 11, 2009

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