800 W. Buena Avenue
Chicago, Illinois 60613

Could you use some tips and advice on the different phases of development associated with your toddler? Join like-minded parents and professionals dealing with the same struggles at “Toddler Tolieting and Development”, a seminar from Smart Love Family Services. Hear from the experts at Smart Love about how to recognize and understand your child’s early achievements and support their development to ensure later success in school and life.

Advanced registration is required. Sign up today by calling 773.665.8052 or register online at http://www.smartlovefamily.org

The mission of Smart Love Family Services is to help children, adolescents, parents, couples and adults achieve greater inner well-being, sustain closer relationships, and reach their full potentials in life. Based on Smart Love™ principles, our services include counseling, parent coaching, and parent education classes. Smart Love Family Services also provides training and consultation to agencies, schools and organizations, helping their childcare personnel positively influence children’s social and emotional outcomes. The Natalie G. Heineman Smart Love Preschool is also a program of Smart Love Family Services. For more information please visit www.smartlovefamily.org, www.smartlovepreschool.org

Official Website: http://www.smartlovefamily.org

Added by Winger 45 on July 3, 2012

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