3460 Villa Lane
Napa, California 94558

Success in any endeavor relies on excellent communication and leadership skills. Whether you are a construction worker, a sales professional or stay at home parent your success is measured by your ability to influence others. How would being a more persuasive communicator improve your circumstances?
Toastmasters provides a mutually supportive and positive learning environment in which every individual member has the opportunity to develop communication and leadership skills, which in turn fosters self-confidence and personal growth. Regardless of your chosen profession or current status, the skills you learn at your local toastmasters club will enable you to become a better Professional, Parent, Spouse and Friend.

This event is free of charge however we reccomend bringing your checkbook in case you decide to join our fantastic club.

Please join us at our next event!

Official Website: http://christinehannah.com/ToastmastersInternational.html

Added by Homes of the Napa Valley on September 30, 2009