Ksiazeca 4 Street
Warsaw, Masovian

Buyouts and acquisitions in Central Europe are making headlines more often these days. Not surprisingly since the current rather difficult market situation favors the buyer side. Doing buyouts makes sense!

Experts say that buyout deals are a natural stage in a successful company life-cycle. Founders exit and raise capital for their future endeavours. Buyer side supplements their assets with an organized and promising project. Acquired company becomes a member of a bigger family gaining access to its resources, sales and marketing channels, financing and increasing scale of operations.

Popular anegdote says that in Europe if your company is for sale there must be something wrong with it. In the US, on the other hand, if your company is NOT for sale there must be something wrong with it. This mindset difference disappeared over the last few years and now serves only as evidence of evolution and emergence of the European M&A market.

For the past few years Central and Eastern European buyouts market matured and right now we are seeing great interest in this field. In Poland we've witnessed some international buyouts like South Africa’s Naspers buying Bankier.pl for $20 mln as well as lots of local ones. Headlines say that companies listed on WSE are going shopping and will spend over E300 mln on takeovers within the next 12 months. We are also experiencing sudden inflow of foreign capital at WSE which incidentally will be most probably taken over by Deutsche Boerse or NASDAQ.

That is why TMT.Buyouts'09 Warsaw conference will be hosted on the Warsaw Stock Exchange on November 25th, 2009. It's goal is to bring together all the parties operating on the Central European M&A market in the fields of new media, technology and telco.

Join us and let’s have a conference!

Official Website: http://www.tmtevents.eu

Added by neweuropeevents on November 9, 2009