Title IX Photography Show (June 5 - July 31)
by Mona T. Brooks
Opening reception: June 7, 6-8 PM
The California State Justice Center* (aka The Supreme Court Building)
455 Golden Gate, SF, CA
Come to the opening reception to celebrate Mona T Brook's first big show. The subject, Title IX is near and dear to her childhood - Mona has been playing softball since age 8 in a state (Alabama) which catered to one sport: football. The Title IX amendment passed 35 years ago and made is mandatory to equalize gender rights in U.S. public schools that receive federal funding.
The show hosts 15 images of 10 sports that was shot in 2006.
Please feel free to bring friends and all are invited!
See a preview of the series and more of Mona's work:
Official Website: http://www.monabrooks.com/node/50
Added by Mona Brooks on May 15, 2007
Looking forward to meeting you, Jen.
Hi Mona,
I stumbled upon your website and love your work! I look forward to seeing your show and meeting you. I'll probably bring a friend as well.
Warmest regards,
Jen Lee