1325 E. Levee St
Dallas, Texas 75207

TITH-TV aka 'TALENT N Da HOOD'; Solid Gold-Southern Style Star Search; encourages a drug FREE and gang FREE AMERICA; a showcase of all types talent/all ages; consist of regular, everyday, common folk.
.. Seeks Children, Teens, Young Adults, Grown Folk; Host/Co-Host,MC, Singers, Dancers, Actors, Spoken Word/Poets, Comedian/Comics, Rappers [Family TV Clean] Band, Choir, Variety Act; Gospel, Solo, Group, Hip-Hop, R&B, Country, Blues, Jazz, Rock
...These are the people who would not have a chance to display their talent due to their environment, area and lack of available opportunities. TITH-TV was created for children, teens, youth, young adults and grown folk from low to moderate income families, so they will no longer feel deprived from same luxury afforded to middle-upper class families, while leaving an open door to all who desire to be exposed to the Television, Radio and Film industry.
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Official Website: http://www.dctvdallas.org

Added by TITH1-TV on October 19, 2008

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