1333 HOWE AVE, STE 203
Sacramento, California 95825

Are you tired of not knowing if you will have enough money each month to pay your bills? Are you tired of the constant change in your income and the uncertainty of job security? Turn Furlough Fridays into a new career! Now is the time to develop a Plan “B.”
Attend the Tuesday July 21, 2009 Business Opportunity Night at Primerica Financial Services by calling Christine Dawson 916 710-5492

In the past people could get a “Good “job at a stable company and retire, those days are gone. Layoffs are happening across the country in every sector of the job market. Hugh Fortune 500 companies are lying of thousands. The era of relying on a “secure” job is over.

In recessions there are higher levels of entrepreneurship because people who are laid off will use that opportunity to start a business.
CNN MONEY November 18, 2008

Wouldn’t you like be with a company where you can thrive in a recession. Wouldn’t that be the perfect place and the perfect time to start you’re Plan “B”? Don’t wait for someone else to decide your destiny. Seize your own destiny and write your own tomorrow. Primerica allows you to start on a part time basis with part time training that allows a secure career transition.

The need for Primerica Financial Services Representatives is at an all time high.

The Economy is bad and getting worse. Everyone’s New Years resolution is to 1. Get out of debt. 2. Get on a tight budget. 3. Save Cash. 4. Make Money.

We have the solutions families are looking for and need. With our personal service and our customized complimentary FNA we educate families on how to 1. Get out of debt faster. 2 Save money thru world class investing. 3. Create a personal budget. 4. Create emergency, wealth and short term savings accounts. 5. Make Money. Primerica helps the middle class with all their financial needs.

Primerica is looking for entrepreneurs who want to take control of their future and be their own boss. ARE YOU ONE OF THOSE PEOPLE?

If you want to start your “Plan B” contact Christine Dawson at 916 710-5492 to set up an interview and be invited to the Business Opportunity Night at 7:00 pm on Tuesday July 21, 2009.

If you cannot make the Tuesday July21, 2009 Opportunity Night but you want to start your Plan “B” career Call Christine Dawson at 916 710-5492 or If you would like to have a personal complimentary customized Financial Needs Analysis (FNA) (($200-$3000+ value) to help you with all your financial needs including, getting out of debt faster, personal budget, mortgage refinance, life insurance, home and auto insurance, long term care, Primerica Pre-Paid Legal Please call Christine Dawson at 916 710-5492

Official Website: http://primerica.com

Added by mzrissy on July 19, 2009

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