2401 12th St Nw
Albuquerque, New Mexico 87104

New Exhibition Opening! New exhibit celebrates the contributions of eight seminal Pueblo Women artists and their aesthetic and cultural legacy. Featuring the works of Maria Martinez, Tonita Pena, Helen Cordero, Lucy Lewis, Blue Corn, Pablita Velarde, Helen Hardin and Margaret Tafoya. Come see some New Mexico masterworks. Some pieces will be available for sale, thru a collaboration with Adobe Gallery of Santa Fe, and proceeds will benefit IPCC programs. Exhibit runs thru June 14.
All programs are free with museum admission: $4 NM residents,$1 students, free for members of IPCC and Native Americans. 843-7270 for information

Official Website: http://www.indianpueblo.org

Added by maryland1 on January 4, 2008

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