6100 Topanga Canyon Blvd
Woodland Hills, California 91367

Do you know the difference between the urgent and the important? Do you make time for the important?

Most people go through life by default; learn to live your life by design!

In our fun and interactive workshop, you will learn:
* How you are currently using your time
* The barriers which keep you from managing your time more effectively
* The difference between important and urgent, and how to schedule time for the important
* A systematic approach to managing daily events

This workshop is part of our monthly Compass Series leadership development program, emphasizing leadership and team-building. Supervisors, managers, and HR professionals will all benefit.

Our Compass Series workshops have an interactive format with discussion, exercises, activities. Meet an accountability partner who will encourage and support you throughout the month. Set specific goals to manage your time more efficiently and effectively. Don't have time? Come join us and you'll learn to find the time for what's important. You can't afford to miss this workshop!

Official Website: http://register.tools2succeed.com/march.html

Added by Tools 2 Succeed on February 4, 2010

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