19 Corte Madera Ave.
Mill Valley, California 94941

A Valentines Concert

If you have not seen Tim in concert you are in for a very special treat. His vocals, song selection and band are of the highest calibre. Tim is truly one of the great musicians of our times.

Tim Hockenberry is already well known to Bay Area audiences and has a growing reputation as a one of the great innovative singers and compelling song stylists in America today. He is somewhere between Tom Waits and David Gray with a Bruce Hornsby instrumental feel. Tim’s successful release of “Mostly Dylan” was recently followed by his new About Records release "Back In Your Arms Again".

When Tim Hockenberry sings and plays piano, you hear the R&B of his Detroit influences, the rock of his generation and the jazz that he thought he’d lost as a teenager. Like a handful of blues and gospel-based singers, Tim has the pipes and phrasing that lets him sing anything – the phonebook! – and makes you catch your breath and stop doing whatever you’re doing to hear what comes next. Every song he touches, guileless Broadway ballad to jagged-edge rock, becomes a testimony to the human experience of pain, joy and love – musically transformed into a kind of pleasure that you will seek again and again.

Official Website: http://muprhyproductions.com

Added by murphyproductionsmusic on February 2, 2010