1938 W Division St
Chicago, Illinois 60622

C+A Publik, a division of Cage + Aquarium, the premier event deejay, photography and live music service in Chicago, is excited to host a month of events! For the month of April, Cage & Aquarium's staff will be hosting music events at Jerry's every Thursday to showcase some great free music nights!

This Thursday, C+A Publik will host Tighten Up!

Thursday, April 4 - Tighten Up! - An ode to funk and soul with DJs Tyler Huffman and Limbs
There's something about this genre that is able to please just about anyone. C+A loves soul and participates in the "crate-diggers" tradition of gathering these gems on vinyl to spin for other soul-lovers. Whether it is rare grooves at dimly light bars, funk breaks for break dancers or classic Stax/Motown for retro party people, C+A is always pumped to play a soul night! Tighten Up! is a taste of the various settings funk and soul can enhance with its infectious grooves, raw swing and bursting talent.

Official Website: http://cageandaquariumblog.com/2013/04/ca-publiks-thursday-residency-at-jerrys-during-the-month-of-april/

Added by Kylie Snowaert on April 3, 2013

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