Georgia Plaza at Vancouver Art Gallery
Vancouver, British Columbia

Light the Passion, Share the Dream: Freedom and Justice for Tibet

The Tibetan Freedom Torch symbolizes the hopes and aspirations of the Tibetan people for freedom and justice and the commitment of people around the world to helping achieve this dream. As the Freedom Torch reaches Vancouver Tibetans and Tibetan supporters will share in the spirit of survival, celebrating the hopes and determination of Tibetan people.

Rally at the Chinese Consolate -12:00pm- 1:00pm

Lighting Ceremony, speeches, facepainting and rally. Runners will be cheered on as they make their way to the closing ceremonies at the Vancouver Art Gallery. Placards will be available.

Tibetan Freedom Festival- 2pm - Vancouver Art Gallery (North Side)

Speeches and Performances by...

Hayfa Makes Music
ShennPenn Khymsar
Tibetan Childrens Choir
Pepe Danza
+ More

Official Website:

Added by freetibet2008van on April 30, 2008