125 Grand St.
Hoboken, New Jersey

Join a Thursday Night Intermediate Clinic (learn & play league) for only $179. The only available start date left is on September 18th. (PLEASE NOTE YOU MUST ATTEND FOUR WEEKS OUT OF FIVE). You may arrive anytime between 6 PM and 8 PM. This will be a TWO HOUR session but you can choose when to arrive. You will be learning to play golf on a golf simulator with other golfers of similar ability, and receive 20 minutes of private one on one golf instruction with videos of your swing emailed to you.

You may call to register for any of these clinics- this is the best
way for clinics that are nearly full because in the time it takes you
to come to our store or even put an order in through our online store
the clinic may sell out. You may also sign up by stopping in person
at 125 Grand Street. Payment must be received in advance to take any
clinic or private lessons as appointments are limited.

Added by hobokengolf1 on April 26, 2009

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