1208 East 29th St.
Houston, Texas 77009

The Three Course Dinner series is meant for the home cook who wants to learn how to make a great starter and main dish with sides. The classes are structured with every one working in three or four groups executing every recipe. These classes are also shorter than some of our other classes because the dessert is made ahead. Most all of the desserts are taught in our baking classes should you prove to be a baking enthusiast and would like to learn more about them.

Starter: Warm arugula, crispy bacon, and caramelized onion salad

Main Course: Pan seared jumbo sea scallops and Wild mushroom risotto

Dessert: Chocolate Creme Brulee

Wine Suggestion: Sauvignon Blanc

Official Website: http://welldonecc.com/classdetail.aspx?class_id=55#.UVtICxlBrgc

Added by Well Done on April 2, 2013

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