The Thinking Digital Conference has grown extraordinarily rapidly since its launch in 2007. Thinking Digital 2009 soldout two months early and tickets are selling twice as quickly for Thinking Digital 2010. With six months remaining before Thinking Digital 2010 nearly 300 places have been booked so we expect to be soldout by the end of February.
While the conference has a core theme around digital media & technology, it is a celebration of great ideas, creativity and innovation from a wide range of areas including technology, science, social enterprise, design, journalism, media, entrepreneurship, future studies and even poker to name just a few.
We've enjoyed hearing talks from 75 speakers in the past two years who have included Greg Dyke, Ray Kurzweil, Dan Pink, Dan Lyons, Helen Fisher, Tara Hunt, Tara Shears, Caleb Chung, Chandler Burr, Alex Hunter, JP Rangaswami, Stowe Boyd, Hans Rosling to name a few.
Past delegates often describe Thinking Digital as the best conference they have ever attended. You'll leave stimulated and inspired armed with new insights and ideas that will change the way you work and live.
Here are a few links to give you further background...
Video: Thinking Digital in 4 Minutes -
Blogpost: Steve Clayton of Microsoft, voted UK’s top tech blogger of 2008 -
Blogpost: Michael Shermer of The Skeptic on Thinking Digital 2009
Thinking Digital 2009 & 08 Past Speakers -
Added by herbkim on November 26, 2009