745 S State St
Orem, Utah 84058

Think-Tank Workshop (Begins Aug. 2nd)
(Free) Tuesday’s 2pm – 4pm

Scera Center
745 South State St. #101
Orem, Utah 84058

Pizza Served at 2pm
Donuts Served at 3pm
Prizes Awarded at 4pm

Our free workshops allow businesses and the general public to network while solving problems in our community, local and abroad. Join our free think-tank workshops every Tuesday at 2pm. Visit us often because the location could change from time to time.

If you work for a business and are of need of contacts then you should network with us. If you are a student or unemployed then bring your resume and network with existing businesses at our workshops.

For the first 30 minutes we allow people to network with one another by freely moving around and giving them an exercise to encourage networking. An example of a networking exercise that we use is given below:

-Exchange Business Cards or resume
-Introduce Yourself
-Tell a unique hobby or interest
-The other person repeats what was said in a nutshell
-They both move on to the next person in the group

The think-tank portion should take about 60 minutes. This is where a current project is addressed and an action plan is presented. During the collaboration everyone will need to contribute by: brainstorming ways to improve the plan, volunteering to accomplish a step within the plan, and recruiting others to participate to help the project succeed.

Then for the last 30 minutes the group will mingle and talk with one another. If you are interested in joining us please bring a friend and be prepared to network. This is a free workshop for the general public to attend. If you have questions or would like to RSVP: http://octheory.blog.com/?p=798

Official Website: http://octheory.org/

Added by OCTHEORY.ORG on July 25, 2011

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