Houston, Texas

Every single apartment community has experienced a negative review on, on Yelp, or even on their own Fan Page. This webinar explains how to properly react to negative posts to diffuse the situation, show prospects you care about your residents, and to use that feedback to improve your business.

Join us December 8th at 2pm ET (11am PT) to find out how to respond to negative online reviews!

> > Register Now! >>

How Much? Pay What You Want! Our normal webinars go for $29.99, but we know that many apartment communities are budget strapped. So in the spirit of the holidays, feel free to pay what you can afford. If you can pay the full price of $29.99, we appreciate it, but if you can only pay $1, we understand.

About Brent Williams:
Brent Williams is Chief Insider at Multifamily Insiders, the largest online professional network for the multifamily industry. Brent speaks on a variety of social media topics, including reputation management specifically on

Added by Felicia Norman on November 30, 2011

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