1770 Prairie City
Folsom, California 95630

May 13th 5:30pm Learn the Truth about today's Loan Options and the Housing Market - you will be surprised - there is money to get loans, come and find out more. You want to buy a house now because you know that now you can afford it! Loan payments are lower than Rent! Owning a house is a great opportunity. Interest rates are at all time lows. We will show you how!
$10/person for lite appet and two happy hour drinks
May 13th 5:30pm - RSVP (916) 949-6509 or email: [email protected]
More seminars coming.....email me if you are interested!

Added by Mati Rosa on May 9, 2009


Mati Rosa

Wow - I didn't realize that I could use a 203K FHA loan and fix up a foreclosure - what a great opportunity!!