30 W Pershing Rd
Kansas City, Missouri 64108

Four children, Peter, Susan, Edmund and Lucy, are evacuated from London in 1940 due to the recent outbreak of the World War II. They are sent to live with Professor Digory, who lives in a large house in the English countryside with his housekeeper Mrs MacReady. Lucy, the youngest of the children, climbs into a wardrobe and finds herself in a snow-covered forest with a lamp-post in the center. She meets a faun, who introduces himself as Tumnus and tells her that the land is called Narnia, ruled by the ruthless White Witch, who ensures that it is always winter but never Christmas. Eventually, all the children become kings and queens, and spend many years in Narnia, growing to maturity, before returning to our world, where they find themselves children again.

Added by Upcoming Robot on June 8, 2009