150 1st Avenue at East 9th Street
New York City, New York

The "Hottest Women of Blog" read about the first time they.....

Tuesday, May 18, at 7:30 p.m. at P.S. 122
150 1st Ave. at East 9th St.
7 bucks

Rachel Kramer Bussel (LustyLady.blogspot.com)
Jessica Delfino (JessyDelfino.blogspot.com)
GirlyNYC (GirlyNYC.blogspot.com) (that's me!)
Eurotrash (www.upsaid.com/eurotrash)
Sarah Lewitinn (Ultragrrrl.blogspot.com)
Nichelle (nichellenewsletter.typepad.com)
Lindsay Robertson (Lindsayism.com)
Jamye Waxman (JamyeWaxman.com)

For more info: http://wysiwygtalentshow.org/

Added by girlynyc on May 12, 2004