The forerunner of and an excellent companion piece to go with "FOOD INC" ...

On March 11 2008, this documentary aired on French television (ARTE – French-German cultural tv channel) featuring French journalist and film-maker Marie-Monique Robin.

"The World According to Monsanto" - A documentary that you won’t see on American television. The gigantic biotech corporation Monsanto is threatening to destroy the agricultural biodiversity which has served mankind for thousands of years. Learn more about the company that brought you PCBs, dioxins, Agent Orange and now controls most of the seeds for major crops globally. It has been alleged that Monsanto wants to control the world's food supply.

Monsanto's controversial past combines some of the most toxic products ever sold with misleading reports, pressure tactics, collusion, and attempted corruption. They now race to genetically engineer (and patent) the world's food supply, which profoundly threatens our health, environment and economy. Combining secret documents with first-hand accounts by victims, scientists, and politicians, this widely-praised film exposes why Monsanto has become the world's poster child for malignant corporate influence in government and technology.

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Added by jv333 on July 4, 2009