401 E. Campbell Ave
Campbell, California 95008

The Wonders of Your Chakra System
Discover a whole new way of taking care of yourself.
Taught by Rockie Arambula

The chakra system is an amazing system of energy that is vital to your health and well being. It keeps your body's energy flowing correctly and ensures that you are stable physically, emotionally, mentally, as well as, spiritually. So many areas of your life move through your chakras and each one of those areas are affected by the health of your chakra system. It is important that your chakras and your chakra system are healthy so that you and your life can be healthy.

Most people know how to take care of their bodies. You know that you need to eat correctly, exercise, and get plenty of water and rest. But how do you take care of your chakras? How do you take care of your chakra system? Does it work the same way as your body? Does it need the same thing? What does it mean to clear the chakras? What is all this talk about visualizing and intention to clear them? It can be so confusing!

Don't know or understand? No need to worry. In this class, The Wonders of Your Chakra System, Rockie Arambula, Registered Karuna Reiki (R) Master Teacher and Angel Therapy Practitioner, will teach you everything you need to know to properly take care of your chakras and your wonderful chakra system.

In this class you will learn:
- What a chakra is and why you have them
- How your many chakras work together as a system.
- What your chakras need to be healthy and strong.
- How to tell if your chakras are properly aligned and balanced
- What moves your chakras out of balance and makes them damaged
- What to do if your chakras become imbalanced or even damaged
- How to strengthen your chakras
- How to protect them.... And more

So if you want better health, or energy, and a happier life, sign up for this class now! Call Moonfyre Metaphysical at 408-370-0333.

When : August 26, 2012 (Sun))
Time: 5:30 - 7:30 pm
Where: Moonfyre Metaphysical
401 E Campbell Ave, Campbell, Ca 95008
Cost: $25

Added by MoonfyreMetaphysical on August 21, 2012