7900 Division St
River Forest, Illinois 60305

Dominican University presents 'The Women of Lockerbie' by Deborah Brevoort, a powerhouse drama about the crash of Pan Am 103 that crashed in Lockerbie, Scotland. The Women of Lockerbie, are fighting the U.S. government to obtain the clothing of the victims found in the plane's wreckage. The women, determined to convert an act of hatred into an act of love, want to wash the clothes of the dead and return them to the victim's families. The Women Of Lockerbie is loosely inspired by a true story, although the characters and situations in the play are purely fictional. Written in the structure of a Greek tragedy, it is a poetic drama about the triumph of love over hate. Winner of the silver medal in the Onassis International Playwriting Competition and the Kennedy Center Fund for New American Plays award.

Added by Upcoming Robot on December 16, 2010