Scottsdale Rd. And Jomax Rd.
Scottsdale, Arizona

Who: Anyone 10 years old or older is welcome to participate

Where:Slpatter Ranch, February 27th, 2010 from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.

How Much: The cost is $29.95 fer person for field admission and equipment rental

Due to a bad moon rising, a transformation of Splatter Ranch will take place on February 27th. For this next scenario game, we are looking for individuals with super-human strength that surpasses that of men or wolves. Come and step into the movie the Wolfman during this mission based game. Missions will start from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.; you are welcome to join the hunt for this terrifying beast at any time. It is recommended that you see the movie before participating in this event but is not required. Below we provided a synopsis of the movie.

Lawrence Talbot learns of his brother’s disappearance and has come back to Blackmoor to join the search by the request of his brother’s fiancée, Gwen Conliffe. After reuniting with his father who he hasn’t seen since his mother died decades ago brings back glimpses of his life he has been trying to forget.

As the search goes, on he learns that something with unimaginable strength and insatiable blood lust has been killing the villagers. As he pieces together the gory puzzle, he hears of an ancient curse that turns the afflicted into werewolves when the moon is full. Scotland Yard inspector Aberline has come to investigate the horrific killings. Aberline was the lead investigator on the “Ripper” murders and has seen his fair share of gruesome scenes and believes that no beast is capable of such ghastly extremities but that the killer is human.

For Talbot, if he has any chance at ending the slaughter and protecting Gwen the woman he has grown to love, Talbot must destroy the vicious creature in the woods surrounding Blackmoor. But as he hunts for the nightmarish beast, a simple man with a tortured past will uncover a primal side to himself, one he never imagined existed.

Do you have what it takes to hunt the beast?

Added by fun.westworldpaintball on February 12, 2010