Corner of William and Roe Street, Perth
Perth, Western Australia 6000

Black Swan State Theatre Company presents

The White Divers of Broome
By Hilary Bell

28 January - 16 February 2012

World Premiere!

In the boom times of 1912 Broome, Sydney Pigott is a wealthy pearling master looking for a way around the White Australia Policy, anxious to keep his cheap Asian workers – and his high profits.

Webber, Sanders and Beasily are the cream of the British Navy deep sea divers. Hired by Pigott, they arrive in Broome naïvely convinced they’ll prove their skills when they hit the hazardous seas and collect the precious mother-of-pearl. But desperate Asian crews, shadowy alliances and the ruthless environment of Broome are against the white divers from the beginning.

From the brothels to the ballrooms to the deep seas, it’s a cutthroat world and trust is hard to find.

Inspired by the book of the same name by John Bailey, The White Divers of Broome is a celebration of boom time Broome and its exotic clash of cultures. Be captivated by a stirring account of greed, betrayal, loyalty and survival that resonates through the years.

“Hilary Bell will sweep you along in this epic and heartbreaking story, and take you back to a time when the racial and class relations in the exotic frontier town of Broome were watched by the entire country.” Kate Cherry

Venue: Heath Ledger Theatre, State Theatre Centre of WA
Director: Kate Cherry
Featuring: Caitlin Beresford-Ord, Kylie Farmer [Kaarljilba Kaardn], Michelle Fornasier, Stuart Halusz, Sean Hawkins, Yutaka Izumihara, Miyuki Lotz, Greg McNeill, Kenneth Moraleda, Jo Morris, Tom O’Sullivan, Ian Toyne

Tickets: Standard $69.50 / Concession $54.50 / Previews $52.50 / Family Package $158 / Groups 8+ $53.50 (plus 1 free ticket for every 10 tickets purchased) / Students $29.50

Warning: Some coarse language and adult themes.

Bookings: BOCS Ticketing, ph (08) 9484 1133, Groups 8+ ph (08) 9321 6831,

More info:

Added by shonasaxton on December 11, 2011