4667 Telegraph Road
Ventura, California

Top-selling instrumentalist Chris Botti performs for 15th season of the Ventura Music Festival on May 3.
Chris Botti is one of the best-known American jazz trumpeters. Selling nearly three million albums worldwide, Botti performs to packed crowds all over the world, including concerts at The Kennedy Center, The Hollywood Bowl and New York’s Carnegie Hall among others. Bringing his upbeat fusion of pop, jazz, and classical melodies in a rare coastal performance, he will take the stage for an outdoor concert at Ventura College on May 3.

Date: Sunday, May 3, 2009
Time: 2:00 pm
Where: Ventura College Green
Prices: $45, $30, $15(students with ID)
Tickets: www.venturamusicfestival.org or (805) 648-3146

Official Website: http://www.venturamusicfestival.org

Added by Ventura Music Festival on March 10, 2009